Our Services

Budgeting & Lifestyle

Have you ever received your paycheck and wondered where your money went? Expenses, expected and unexpected, sneak up on you, we help you get on a suitable path. Life is all about balance. Determining how much to save and what to spend can relieve a lot of stress.


Determining your risk tolerance, time horizon, objectives, and constraints can assist in crafting an investment strategy that allows you to sleep easy knowing your money is working for you. The risks of the stock market may not be for you, and that is okay. There are investments to fit anyone’s needs, we can help you find them.


College is expensive and is not getting any cheaper. Do you want your children paying off student loans into their late 30s or 40s? Have you considered the impact of inflation on your savings plan? Determining which strategies to implement and how much to save are critical steps to sound financial planning.


Insurance is the cornerstone of a solid financial plan. Disability insurance protects your income if you’re injured. Life insurance makes sure you’re loved ones are taken care of. Long Term Care insurance makes sure you are cared for without depleting your assets. We’re here to make sure you find a plan that fits your needs and wallet.


How much do you plan to spend each year in retirement? Have you ever been concerned that the money you have saved will not be enough? There are simple answers to complicated questions. An analysis, reallocation, and implementation plan can be the difference between you retiring early, on time, or not at all.


The wealthy stay wealthy because they have access to tax strategies and distribution techniques provided by their financial team. We are here to provide you with the same power. Tax planning can be the difference between treading water and building generational wealth.

Estate Preservation Planning

What happens to your assets when you pass on? How are your funeral and last debts being paid for? Estate preservation planning may be the last thing you want to talk about but handling your arrangements will make it easier to enjoy your retirement years.

Knowledge & Insight

The financial industry can seem mystifying and overwhelming. Let Black Oak Financial take on the burden of “figuring things out” with a well planned and executed financial strategy.

Outstanding Service

Black Oak Financial is available anytime to help meet your goals and answer your questions. Our goal is to not only provide services but provide education and insight to our clients. If the knowledge leads to you not needing our services, we are happy to know we provided some value to you!

Industry Insight

Black Oak is confident in our ability to meet your needs. On top of comprehensive financial planning, we are striving to modernize financial advisory services by providing education on options trading, and future trends.

Our Commitment

We will never recommend or suggest any product or service that was not carefully researched and analyzed to meet your needs.

Client Dedication

You are not just a number or bottom line to us, we strive to provide tailored services to our clients through strong relationships and honest communication.


College is ridiculously expensive, and it is not getting any cheaper. No one wants their children riddled with student loans. Have you considered the impact of inflation on your savings plan? While the cost of college may be $20,000 today, the cost could become $45,000 in 18 years. Even K-12 prices are getting out of hand. Determining which strategies to implement (529s, CESAs, UTMAs, etc.) is a critical step to sound financial planning. Adjusting for inflation, time, and needs can save you a lot of stress, and your children a lot of debt down the road.


Are you taking advantage of all the tax credits and deductions available to you? I’m sure you’ve heard of the child tax credit. What about the Lifetime Learning Credit, the American Opportunity Credit, student loan interest deductions, or home ownership deductions? The wealthy stay wealthy because they have access to tax strategies and distribution techniques provided by their financial planners. I am here to provide you with the same power. Once it is time to distribute your wealth to the next generation, limit taxable income, and provide to charities, I can provide gift, donation, and estate planning strategies. Tax planning can be the difference between treading water and building generational wealth.

Budget / Lifestyle

Have you ever received your paycheck and wondered where all your money went? Expenses, expected and unexpected, sneak up on you, we can help get you on the right path. You shouldn’t have to constantly choose between a nice vacation and saving for the future. Life is all about balance. Determining how much to save and what to spend can relieve a lot of stress.


How much do you need to retire? Acquiring a nest egg of one million dollars would lead to roughly $30,000 a year in retirement, before inflation. Could you live off that?

Should you choose between a ROTH IRA, Traditional IRA, 401(k), Roth 401(k), a self-employed retirement plan or other methods?

Have you ever been concerned that the money you have saved will not be enough? There are simple answers to complicated questions. An analysis, reallocation, and implementation plan can be the difference between you retiring early, on time, or not at all.


What happens to your assets when you pass on? How are your funeral and last debts being paid for? Who are the beneficiaries? Are your documents in order to continue your business in the event of incapacitation or death? Will your assets pass to who you intend, or will the state decide? A few pieces of paperwork could go a long way in putting your mind at ease and eliminating the stress on your family in critical times. The matter is further complicated in the event of divorce, second families, split custody, etc. A little piece of paper now could save you in the future.


I get it, cryptocurrency and reddit stocks are sexy. But not all investments fit everyone. Determining your risk tolerance, objectives, goals, constraints, and values can assist in crafting an investment strategy that allows you to sleep easy knowing your money is working for you. The world of investing is vast, but not as complex as it seems. If you cannot stomach seeing the $1000 you invested drop to $100, your strategy may be completely different than someone who has $100,000 to throw away. If you are 23 with no children, your timeline and risk tolerance allow for a strategy far riskier than a fifty-year-old with four children.


If you broke your leg tomorrow and were unable to work what would happen? Would you be able to continue your standard of living? Would your family be able to keep up their standard of living or would they have to liquidate assets and downsize if you met your demise? If you are incapacitated at an old age, do you want your children to give up their lives and burn through the family financial assets to care for you? Everyone needs it, everyone hates to talk about it. Insurance is the cornerstone of a financial plan. Disability insurance protects your income if you’re injured. Life insurance makes sure you’re loved ones (even the family pet) are taken care of. Long Term Care insurance makes sure the stress is reduced when it comes to your care without depleting your assets. We’re here to make sure you find a plan that fits your needs and wallet.

Family Law

Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language ocean. A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies.

Company Law

Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language ocean. A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies.

Real Estate Law

Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language ocean. A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies.

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Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language ocean. A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia.

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